The Glassblower

It was the end of summer

When they were introduced

His eyes were green from midday sun

and grey with midday booze


He said: I’m here until year’s end

She said: no time to lose

That night he found her by the footprints of her shoes


He was a glint of light on glass

One blink and it's about to pass

He was a glint of light on glass

One blink and it's about to pass


She rode the gusts of autumn winds up to his door

The candle light drew funny shapes

on their clothes on the floor


The soapy scent of his soft hands

The taste of foreign tongue

His thoughtful touch and just so much

She knew will soon be gone


He was a glint of light on glass

One blink and it’s about to pass


He was a glint of light on glass

The winter took him away too fast


He was a glint of light on glass

One blink and it had already passed

נכתב על-ידי
הדף נקרא 80 פעמים
אהבתי חיבבתי
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בצע לוגין על-מנת להגיב כאן
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